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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Forensic Photoshop order page

I've had a few e-mails asking about a correct link for the book at Blurb's web site. Some have had trouble getting directly to the book via the link that I sent.

With that in mind, I would say to either visit the book's web site or click on the banner on the right of the blog. From the book's site, you can click on the banner to take you to the order page or just click on the banner here on the blog.

Today, the server's log passed 1000 views of the book's page. Thanks again for all of your support. There have been some technical difficulties, but thus far the response has been positive. It has been quite an experience. I am continually humbled by your support.


Glennsp said...

It doesn't seem to matter which route you take the Blurb site says at the top that the page for the book doesn't exist, even though there is a picture of it at the bottom of the page.

Jaime Hoerricks, PhD said...

Unfortunately, you tried to browse there in the middle of an update. The new link has been created and can be found at http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/190258 The site's links have been updated as well. Thanks for your patience. Jim

Jaime Hoerricks, PhD said...

Apologies again for the trouble. I found that the wrong version made it out to a few who purchased the book. The problem was with the justification of paragraphs on a few pages and some symbol issues. The problems have been fixed and the correct version should be shipping. Those with problems have been in contact with Blurb and corrected versions have been ordered for them. Thanks again for your support. Jim