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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Keywords file is up

The Keywords file has been posted on the secure site is available for download. I'll keep it updated from time to time ... posting a note here on the blog when it happens.

To install the Keywords file, open Bridge CS4 and select the Keywords panel. Click on the flyout menu and select either Import or Clear and Import. If you already have some custom keywords, select Import. If you still have the default set, go ahead and select Clear and Import to start fresh.

Like magic, your keywords will be replaced with the new set.

If you can't find the Keywords panel, go to the Window menu and make sure that it's selected.


Anonymous said...

Once we get to the secure site, what do we do next to start the download?

Jaime Hoerricks, PhD said...

Right click and select Save As ...

Anonymous said...

Where do we right click. I don't see a link for the Keywords File. It takes a password to go into the Images and Tutorials portion of the secure site. If it is in there - where do we find the username/password (is it in the book, if so on what page?).

Jaime Hoerricks, PhD said...

It's in the Book Resources section of the web site with everything else. The username and password are found at the end of the third section of the book.