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Welcome to the Forensic Multimedia Analysis blog (formerly the Forensic Photoshop blog). With the latest developments in the analysis of m...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


When presenting, or when you are trying to stay organised, gathering your images together in one handy place is important. When conducting a briefing on a certain crime wave, you may have images on several different places in your hard drive. You want to organise them, but creating massive sets of duplicates is simply not practical, even with drive prices so low. So what do you do?

Collections and Smart Collections

Part of the brilliance of Bridge as a organisational browser - Collections help you group items together, without having to move them around on your drives or create copies.

You find Collections with it's own tab and panel in Bridge. The icons at the bottom of the panel allow you to either create a Collection or a Smart Collection.

Create a new collection using the left most button. Rename it. Then, as you find items to include, simply drag them to the icon. It's really that simple. You can even create Smart Collections from a saved search result.

Check it out for yourself. I'm sure that you'll find it just as helpful as I do.

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