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Welcome to the Forensic Multimedia Analysis blog (formerly the Forensic Photoshop blog). With the latest developments in the analysis of m...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

End of an era

It's with a touch of sadness and regret that I must end my run as your humble blogger. I will leave this site up for as long as Google allows, to serve as a reference. But no new posts will appear.

All the best and thanks.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Error U44M1l210 - Adobe Creative Cloud Apps

I can't update the Adobe Creative Cloud apps on my MacBook Air. I keep getting the same error. I've been to the forums. Here's one thread full of frustrated customers. Here's another with a stupid solution.

Adobe's support has gone down the tubes over the years. SO GLAD I don't need the update right now. SO GLAD I use Amped FIVE for all of my forensic work now.