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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Correct Fisheye Distortion in FIVE

I've seen a lot of ADT installations using fisheye lenses lately. ADT must be having a sales promotion or something.

One of the updates to FIVE in the last year is the Correct Fisheye filter, found in the Edit filter group.

In the past, I would use the Undistort filter, but Correct Fisheye works a lot better / easier / faster on these low-end fisheye lenses I've been seeing.

In the case of the "full-frame" (180º) fisheye lenses in the ADT installations, I've found that Orthographic works the best. This isn't because ADT has been forthcoming with information about the mapping function of their chosen lenses. It's mainly been through my testing each function. You won't likely get information on the manufacturer's chosen mapping function.

As a side note, for the "circular fisheye" top-down (360º) lenses, use the Unroll filter for better results.

Back to the ADT cameras, here's the before/after image (Presentation>Compare Original). On the left is the original image and on the right is the corrected version. Correct Fisheye did a very good job in just two clicks of the mouse.


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